Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I have been meaning to catch up on my blog. I don't exactly like to go through moment by moment recaps of my experiences. Angel Benton does a pretty detailed recap most of the trips I go on with my friends. I do a lot more....skimming and focus on the stand out moments. I have photos to put up but you can probably find the photos I have, and more on Brandon Bakers blog. As soon as I get a new camera, I'll be able to put up a ton of my own photos. Also, the internet connection I am supposed to have in my room at home is nonexistent so it's been taking me awhile to get around to blogging.

I have been outrageously busy at work! Our team has six different Priority #1 tasks - each of which is more important than the others and needs to be taken care of immediately. We've added a magical white board to the wall that our new CEO thinks is going to help our department keep better track of our numbers. All it is really going to do is take up more time because we have to gather the stats and write them up on the board. Five people in our 11 person department have left the company in the last year. That should serve as an indicator that there is something wrong huh? Oye, sure I haven't finished school yet but it doesn't take a genius to know that when you add more sales people, who make mistakes and enter fraudulent information, and you add 59 new markets and thousands of new accounts, perhaps you should hire more support as well. End rant about work.

More later...

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