Friday, August 17, 2007

Good morning!

I'm @ work already. Gee whiz it's hot in this trailer. I don't think the air comes on until 7 or so so I will just have to tough it out.

I have been working a lot lately. When I say a lot - I don't just mean overtime. I mean I have been @ the office and working hard. I don't have time to catch up on blogs, let alone write in my own. I don't even check my own email @ work now. Once I get home I don't even want to be in front of the computer for more than 10 minutes ; ).

I spent two weekends in a row at my parents house. That would be okay if I wasn't STUCK there without a vehicle. I love my family - there is just a lot of noise in the house. Moderation is definitely something I would apply here. The second weekend that I spent there was for our family reunion! It was a lot of fun catching up with everyone. My mom got toast and then sang Lincin Park with my sister on the karaoke machine. Good times.

This week I finally returned the library books that I never turned in from a year ago. Since I still had the books I only had to pay $15.00 instead of $83.00 YAY! I'm in the process of registering for classes. So now I will be real busy with school and work. I'm going to have to set up a designated blogging time for each day. I need to go out more to so that I have something interesting to blog about.

I did go out with a bunch of friends from high school - we were all in band together. We ate @ Toi, then got real drunk @ The Abbey. Good times.

I went with Jason Sechrest to his Tuesday night singing "rehearsal" @ The Other Side - that was interesting. There was hardly anyone there but I guess Friday is the busy night. Not a whole lot more has been happening. Time to get to work - see you sooner than later

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