Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Another One Bites The Dust

Yesterday the 6th person in 13 months gave their notice. Geee whiz! I didn't get home from work until late so was unable to blog. It gets a little annoying when I blog @ home anyway because the blogger does not look and function the same on my mac as it does on my computer at work.
I mailed out my request for a copy of my driving record. I hope they don't charge me extra to cover the cost of postage for such a large, heavy, pack of papers. I figure I should get my license since I'll be getting a car this year. At least that is the plan.
Not much has been happening lately. Just going to work, catching up on the gossip, and dreading going back to work. I guess I've just been annoyed @ several aspects of my life lately. I'll be back in a bit - to write more on my lunch break....


Branson said...

Damn that's a long lunch. That's longer than I suckle at either of my daddie's plump nipples. ewwww

Anyway, here's to hoping your life gets un-annoyed and quick. You're too much fun to be around to have you been all annoyed and such.

Your Nephew

Unknown said...

I didn't know you needed a license to dive me CRAZY! *wink*

What was the other four letter word you used there in your posty-post-post? It started with a "P." P-L-A-N? What's that?