Monday, July 16, 2007

A Day Of Randomness

So last Friday I met a beautiful Chinese guy, A.C. We talked for a little bit and got to know each other, but we kissed a lot more than we talked. He has these perfect lips and is really sweet. So we hung out and made out for awhile, exchanged numbers, talked about hanging out again and then went our separate ways.

Saturday I was supposed to go out again with Jason Sechrest but I felt sick all day. I think my body just needed a day to relax and slow down. I took several naps throughout the day and watched The Devil Wears Prada and a couple of other movies. Cable is wonderful!

Sunday is when things got interesting. My roommates had a few people over for a BBQ & pool party. My friends were all otherwise engaged so I only hung out for a bit. Then A.C. called me and invited me to the beach. They picked me up from my house and we went to Venice beach. The spark between us seemed to have dissipated but his friends were a ton of fun so it was okay. Two of the guys were from Boston - and pretty much only know each other because they are the only two gays at their school who like to go out to the clubs. Then there was this other kid who sang constantly but sounded really good - he's about to be signed with Sire records. They met him a few weeks back at San Francisco pride. Then there was a girl visiting from Hawaii who only knew one of the people there. So basically it was a group of strangers from different parts of the country that decided to go to the beach together. I felt slightly awkward initially but we all knew how random the group that we had compiled was.

I got a ton of sun at the beach so as soon as I am not red - I will look great ;). The water was beautiful. I hadn't been to the beach since I went to Hawaii with Classy. I'm going to try to go more before the end of summer.

After we were all burnt we headed to the mini mansion so I could shower and change and then we went downtown. A.C. had to go to his grandmothers house for dinner (because he is only here from Boston for four days). They showered and we did some shots and then went to Pink Taco in Century City. The food was really good - but there seems to be much more hype about the place then necessary.

From there we proceeded to my house, then back downtown to pick up A.C., then back to West Hollywood to barhop. Overall it was a great Sunday. =) Of course it bites that we all live in different places - but it was a great experience.

I hope you had a good weekend as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWWWW....How cute :)
What a day sounds like you really had a good time. Its moments like these that make life soooo interesting and great.
xo much luv