Monday, July 16, 2007

Relief From Stress

My job has persistently consumed a vast majority of my time and energy lately. It's easy to leave my work at work and relax once I am home but while I am at the office the stress factor is fairly constant. I returned home from work one day last around 6 and changed out of my work clothes and into my pj's because I was about to do laundry and just do things around the house. I watched TV for awhile and was content with the idea of staying in and then my phone rang; Jason Sechrest invited me to dinner and a movie. I quickly agreed because it has been a long time since I hung out with someone other than the people I consider my close friends and my roommates.

We headed for the Arclight first, where we saw "Joshua". The movie was really good actually. I did not see a trailer for it beforehand not had I even heard of it so I was happy it turned out good. The soundtrack is creepy, and awesome. The plot was really an exaggerated example of how things can change with the addition of someone new to a family. Jealousy can cause people to do some wild things.

After the movie we went to the Cheesecake Factory at The Grove. I had a bunch of lemon drop martinis and a little food to. The one thing that bites about the Cheesecake Factory is that usually if you do not go there with the intent to ONLY have cheesecake, you don't end up having any at all because the food portions are so big. That's okay, it's probably best that I didn't have any. After dinner we headed to The Abbey - all the while bonding over Tori.

I had never hung out with Jason alone before (other than the time I jacked off on his couch for the camera) so I was unsure that we would have much to talk about. We actually had a blast though. Over the past year or so I have spent very little time getting to know new people. I have a few great friendships but have been realizing lately that I am far to dependent on them. I forgot that there are tons of other people that I could interact with and learn from.

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