Saturday, August 11, 2007

Finally a moment to blog!

I am really shocked that I am in front of the computer right now. I'll be writing a bunch more later about whats been happening. I went into work yesterday from 7:30AM til about 9:15 at night so it was awesome sleeping in today.

My best friend from high school is coming out to the mini mansion today to celebrate his birthday with me. We're gonna relax by the pool and then probably party it up in West Hollywood =)

Right now I have to get my hair cut and run some errands - I'll be back in a bit and will be able to blog a little more then. See you soon xo


trav_muroki said...

In the time that has passed since your last post, hasn't anything more interesting happened? ;)

Anonymous said...

Welcome back. I hope that you had a great weekend with your high school friend.

Jason Sechrest said...

Glad no one held their breath.

Anonymous said...

blog tease