Monday, April 30, 2007

A mention by JC on the newsdesk

JasonCurious wrote about my upcoming film shoot here.

That's not my favorite photo of myself, but it'll do.

Many thanks to Jason ; )

Fiona Apple - Sleep To Dream


Perhaps that is to strong of a word. It took some debating, but I have decided that I now must publicly dispute the full credibility of Angel Benton's blog.

Yes, perspective has indeed been a key word that has been used in our group lately. A group of people experiencing the same event together can have completely different view points on what is really going on. Of course, sometimes you never know it until later when you hear the story retold in somebody else's words - from their own perspective.

Lets just start with some flaws in Miss. Benton's blog that aren't exactly lies, but have been put out there to make readers think that something happened other than what really did.

1. In the Freaky Friday post AB said : "(Classy and Lex Sabre went home together)"
Okay, true, but they sure didn't do anything together. Lex Sabre rarely drives all the way back home when he gets boozed up. He stayed in my bed, NO SEX. He stayed in Classys bed, NO SEX. He stayed in Blake Rileys bed, NO SEX. (well, I can't be 100% sure on that last one, but would he lie?)

2. In the Highway to Hell post AB said: "So the crowded party fizzled out, I took him home. (He was a little bit cranky because we never got to the bar.)"
Yes, I was cranky because I wasn't able to get to the bar so I could get some WATER!!! There were to many people bumping me around, and by the time I actually got up to the bar, I needed a ticket just to get some water. Thank you for painting me as an angry alcoholic who couldn't get a drink.

3. In the White Party 2007 Part III post AB said: "Brant and Jayden start arguing at the top of their lungs. Now, there have been many occasions where Andy and I have screamed at each other in public (that last little walk back to the car from Eleven comes to mind) so who am I to judge?"
You said that you feel bad for me because all these people wonder if we are in a relationship. Well in the above sentence, you compare conversations that you and I have, with those of people that are actually in relationships. These are two completely different situations. You did it again here : "Blake and Trevor had somewhat coupled up too, and they were super cute when they argued and fought. It kinda reminded me of me and a certain little mogwai that I know...."

4. AB said: "I mean, when we are out together, everybody wants to either take pictures of us together (for people to specualate on the status of our "relationship" later) or feels the need to give us advice and commentary (i.e., "How long have you two been boifriends?" or "Where are you guys registered for the wedding?") Comments like that just slide off my back. (If anything, they just prove my point.)"
What exactly is your point that you think comments like these prove?

And who has asked you where we are registered? You mean we could be getting free gifts?

Saturday, April 28, 2007

A Public Statement by

Our only comment at this time is that Angel Benton is seriously out of control. Aside from that, Andy has instructed the staff here at to not comment on any claims that are in dispute.

Thank you!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Astrological Signs

I am not one to check my horoscope daily to compare it to whatever may be happening in my life. If I really wanted to make a correlation I'm sure I could find a way. Some people do invest a lot of time and effort into generalizing traits about a speficic sign though. I am not sure how much of it I believe or trust but it is interesting to read sometimes. I posted a summary on Scoripo awhile back, but found this one today that is slightly different. I think some of it fits me, but am not so sure about the rest. Any opinions? Anonymous or not, it would be interesting to hear.

Scorpio is the eighth Sign of the Zodiac, and you shouldn't take that lightly. You shouldn't take Scorpios lightly, either. Those born under this Sign are dead serious in their mission to learn about others. There's no fluff or chatter for Scorpios, either: these folks will zero in on the essential questions, gleaning the secrets that lie within. Scorpios concern themselves with beginnings and endings, and are unafraid of either; they also travel in a world which is black and white and has little use for gray. The curiosity of Scorpios is immeasurable, which may be why they are such adept investigators. These folks love to probe and know how to get to the bottom of things. The fact that they have a keen sense of intuition certainly helps.

It's the Scorpion which symbolizes Scorpios, and it's no accident. Much like the Scorpion would rather kill itself than be killed, those born under this Sign are the ones who are in ultimate control of their destiny. It is life on the Scorpion's terms, too, since these folks promote their agenda (they are quite the executives) and see to it that things go forward. Others may find this overbearing (it can be) and even self-destructive, but that's the beauty of the Scorpion: these folks have tremendous regenerative powers, much like the literal Scorpion can lose its tail and promptly grow a new one. Fearless Scorpions rarely lose, per se, they just keep on going, since they are stubborn and determined to succeed (this Scorpio trait is in keeping with the Fixed Quality assigned to this Sign). Scorpios work as hard as they do so they can someday sit back and feel satisfied with themselves. These folks are intense, passionate and filled with desire. They're also complex and secretive, so don't expect to get much out of them, lest they become suspicious and exit stage left. It's best not to bet against Scorpios, either, since these folks are surprisingly resourceful.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Timing and the placement of certain events, no matter how small, almost always strikes me with the notion that there is something to be learned from whatever is happening at any given moment.
Now, I did not post this photo on the 16th of April to Post Secret - but I can certainly identify with what this person had to write.

Of course, part of me was glad that we were in a moving vehicle so that I could not escape......a very very small part that has since been taught a lesson ; )

PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard.

You can view this PostSecret and more here

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


you are a bitch.


You Say, "I Will Come"

You say, "I will come."
And you do not come.
Now you say, "I will not come."
So I shall expect you.
Have I learned to understand you?

Lady Otomo No Sakanoe (eighth century)

Madonna - Easy Ride

I want the good life
But I don't want an easy ride
What I want is to work for it
Feel the blood and sweat on my fingertips
That's what I want for me

I want to know everything
Maybe someday I will
What I want is to find my place
Breathe the air and feel the sun on my children's face
That's what I want


I go round and round just like a circle
I can see a clearer picture
When I touch the ground I come full circle
To my place and I am home
I am home

I want to let go of all disappointment that's waiting for me
What I want is to live forever
Not defined by time and space
It's a lonely place
That's what I want

[chorus, repeat and fade]

Don't even bother making jokes about the title.

Monday, April 16, 2007


We used that word a lot over the weekend, and it is the one word that I would choose to describe it. Angel, Brandon, Rusty and I drove up to San Francisco on Saturday to go to our friend Gary's birthday party.
We got a lil bit of a late start, because BAR-Angel (woka woka woka, we hadn't picked up Angel at this point) got a bit of an early and heavy start. Blah blah blah long story short I had to go file some paperwork which took a really long time. We finally got on the road at around 4ish.
Brandon was driving so it was no surprise that we made a wrong turn somewhere and ended up on a very informative, lil bit bumby, Highway to Hell! That was a long six hours, and there was a whole lot of discussion about feelings, and opinions, and vice's and a ton of other things. I was not prepared for that but I think it was a good thing. Rusty stayed silent pretty much the whole way up there. He had his computer out though so I'm sure a lot of notes were taken.

We pulled up and past the house, and some people said "oh look, the Rentboys are here'> The party was definitely packed, and everyone there seemed to be having a great time. We ended up leaving after a couple of hours, if that. I was super happy that we at least got to see the birthday boy, and wish him a happy one.
There were some drag queens gone wild there that really were performers. They got into what they do, whatever it is, for sure. They were running around and pulled a couple peoples hair, and one guy even got bit! I almost with it was Rusty or Angel so I could have seen one the queens get slapped, the drag queens I mean. ;)

There were a ton o hot boys at the party and there was at least entertainment. It didn't exactly fit in with the typical event that we would be at. There were lots of family members and those pesky hetero's. (can't live without em). I wonder if we stood out as much as we thought we did. Lil Rusty (Hobbit R, TownPump 2) was wearing his pink bitch hat (it has the word bitch on it, not a photo of Brandon in the hott pink shirt) -that's hot though, I think I'll make one. lol. Someone yelled out BITCH! well that certainly drew attention to Rusty and the boys around him chewing bubble gum with pupils as big as the holes that may someday be in their brains. Sigh, poor Angel Benton, when will she learn?

Some other people referred to us as altar boys. Did they not see us drive up? We made sure to drive past the house again on the way back to the hotel. Viral Marketing.

I love the shower. Leonardo DiCaprio would probably be very upset with him if he knows how much water I used while I was in SF.

Brandon flew back, on a plane, early in the AM. Rusty flew back as well. Angel and I drove back to Los Angeles in the Rentboy Mobile. There might be more on this later.
We headed to the Porno Palance and were soon met by Brandon, Rusty, JASON SECHREST, Tom, and Eric. Rusty was almost immediately checked out the floor DING! While some of us were seeking rest Mr. Sechrest stole Brandon in the restroom! Scandalous!

I don't know we are continuously surprised at how beautifuly fucked up some things are that we get away with.

Gee whiz. Wow.


My boss was sitting at her desk a few minutes ago and she talks to herself outloud quite often. She just said

"Why do I smell something chemically? It smells like chemicals."

0o0o0o0o0o gosh

I'm going to have to clean my desk with some booze or something

Friday, April 13, 2007

Do you see what I see?

Okay so Classy and Lex were at my place yesterday before we went out. This video came on the television and Classy pointed out how much her movements are like JONATHAN CHANGS =)
Watch the whole video. Do you see it to?

Hilarious! Both bitches are fierce in my book.

Monday, April 09, 2007


I love Pandora. This site actually works very well. Everyone may already know about this...but I had no clue it existed. You can create stations on Pandora, and it will search for other music that you may like based on the artist and the genre. It works very well if you are in a certain mode & mood. You can have a Sarah Mclachlan station, and a...a.....I don't know, something opposite of that, lol. ummmm maybe Lincoln Park or Sublime.

Makin' That Paper

So, Classy kept telling me that I should blog this. I made a fair amount of money at the blackjack table during the weekend of the Rentboy pool party. I never bet any money though =P. A couple sat down next to Classy and eventually they got to talking. They asked why we were in town, and Classy, very cooly, says for the Rentboy pool party at Helios. LOVES IT! Well, then one of the guys turns to his partner (of 20 years) and says "oh, they're hustlers!"
A few hours later I met them at their hotel.

You never know.

How much does air space sell for?

Okay, that would be when you know you are really fierce...when you've bought the airspace above your house.

This freakin helicopter was hovering directly over my house today. I was sitting in the beautiful back yard surrounded by pretty green plants and listening Bjork and the damn birds that never stop....and then a very very BIG BIRD decided to come mess up my serene setting. 15 minutes later, it finally flew away. But I think it forgot something, lol. It came back to the same spot in the air, and then left again! WTF!

o0o0o0, what if you bought the airspace over a house that belonged to someone else! Now we're talkin


How about I accidentally charged a customer $69,111. I hope my company doesn't take the overlimit fees out of my paycheck =P

oooooo gosh

I like this song....

By: Vanessa Carlton

she'd do anything to sparkle in his eye
she would suffer, she would fight, and compromise
she's been wishin' on the stars that shine so bright
for answers to the questions that will haunt her tonight

she must rinse this all away
she can't hold him this way
she must rinse this all away
she can't love him this way

how she'd be soothed, how she'd be saved if he could see
she needs to be held in his arms to be free
but everything happens for reasons that she will never understand
'til she knows the heart of a woman will never be found in the arms of a man


and if she runs away she fears she won't be followed
what could be the worse than leaving something behind
and as the depth of oceans slowly become shallow
it's loneliness she finds...
if only he was mine

she'd do anything to spakle in his eye
she would suffer, she would fight, and compromise
she's been wishin' on the stars that shine so bright
for answers to the questions that will haunt her tonight

she must rinse him
she must rinse him
she can't rinse him
she can't rinse him
she can't, she won't, she must rinse him
she can't, she won't, she must rinse him
she must rinse this all away
she can't hold him this way
she must rinse this all away
she can't love him this way

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

My Friends are Fabulous

I must say. So, 10:18 AM my phone rings. It's Rusty. I'm thinking "Oh shit, did Brandon manage to finally OD or what?" But of course that was not the case.
Apparantly we are going on a trip....I mean in a plane sillys! I don't know exactly where, or why, but I don't need to know...I think. I just love that we can be random like this.

Gee whiz, if this happens more often, I am going to end up giving up my real job. EEK!

Must stay responsible....must keep benefits....sigh, opportunity cost....

Monday, April 02, 2007

Check out the Rentboy Pool Party photos

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Let the Battle Begin

For those of you who haven't read Rusty's blog ( I agree that yes, the BoyMagic hole is a cheap rip off of the Magic Pussy, and that is doesn't exist. There is only one truly Magic Pussy.

Of course I am the original and current individual that has the Magic Puss. Always will be.

Thanks =)

Fuck it

So much to say, but there is really no point. I will just say that EVERYONE should kow that I am not romantically involved with anybody, nor do I wish to be. Mind your own business.

Thanks! Have a great Monday!


Sweet Nothings

Here are just a couple of the sweet things that were said to me over the weekend by a dear friend of mine.

I said: “You are always so angry.”

He said: “I never used to be until I met you!”

Oh here is a real good one.

“You are just so blind. I cannot even begin to understand the depths of your stupidity.”

Now, just these comments were made. There was not explanation to go along with them. So that just leaves me to dwell on these sweet nothings that have been blasted at me.

If I am so blind, why will you not help me to open my eyes? If everything happens for a reason, then perhaps I am not meant to see whatever it is that you say that I am blind to. Perhaps I do see it and I do not wish to acknowledge it. Maybe we just see things differently. I am not blind simply because I do not see what you see how you see it.

I am always learning more about the people that I surround myself with.

I don't get it. Am I supposed to have some sort of epiphany because someone who claims to be a friend, and would like to be more, calls me stupid? Well, that is certainly not the path to my heart.

Oh, then someone else said something that really did offend me, and I very maturely explained that I did not appreciate that and his response:

"Shut the fuck up"

That's hott.

I had a blast this weekend at the Rentboy Pool Party, but there were a few fucked up things said. Ah well, shit happens right?

Oh, and I'm a bad friend.

Look at me, I just made myself look like a total asshole in my own blog. YEA!





It do....


Oh nevermind

Sunday, April 01, 2007


and I don't mean they just slept ZZZZZZZZZZZ


Well, I guess someone has to do it.