Monday, December 10, 2007
Howdy howdy
My computer that I just got back has been put out of commission again for now. I spilt a drink on it =P. Brandon said that would be the way I would break my computer. I still have to see how much its going to cost to get it fixed. It's almost three years old so it may be better to just get a whole new one.
I have to go now so I can work on the project that is due today that I had all semester to work on but didn't start til last week. Yay! I work well under pressure anyway. Have a fantastic day. I'll be back sooner than later....
Sunday, November 25, 2007
My Birthday
I'll try to get pics from someone else and add them here soon. =)
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Quick Update
Tuesday I went hotel lounge hopping with Fabrice. We went to three of the nicest hotels here in LA. I actually had a really great time talking with Fabrice and getting to know him. It was interesting to go somewhere in LA where there wasn't a nearly naked boy dancing on a box somewhere in the room. I can appreciate a nice change of scenery every once in a while =)
More up is my B-Day! YAY!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Excuse me

Wow, it's been nearly two months since I've blogged. I probably shouldn't be doing it while I'm at work, but I do a lot of things some people think I'm not supposed to do ;). Work has been a little crazy - lots of changes. It kinda bites because I feel like I fit in with the original group of people that I worked with far better than the people that I work with now.
By the way responsibilty sucks but is necessary.
Thursday @ Tigerheat was a blast. It was good to get out after constantly going to work, gym, and school.
Saturday was a wonderful day. Rusty, Brandon, and myself went to Universal Studios and walked around the city walk awhile. We made sure to go on every ride - all two of them. Jurassic park was okay but the Mummy ride was a ton o fun. I guess there were three rides in total - we rode the tram around for the studio tour where we got to see flash floods and dancing cars. Don't worry, it looked like everyone else saw them to. The hour long tour was interesting but the park needs to be updated - much like my bloggy blog blog blog.
I need to get back to work now - but I will be back later....hopefully today.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Good morning!
I have been working a lot lately. When I say a lot - I don't just mean overtime. I mean I have been @ the office and working hard. I don't have time to catch up on blogs, let alone write in my own. I don't even check my own email @ work now. Once I get home I don't even want to be in front of the computer for more than 10 minutes ; ).
I spent two weekends in a row at my parents house. That would be okay if I wasn't STUCK there without a vehicle. I love my family - there is just a lot of noise in the house. Moderation is definitely something I would apply here. The second weekend that I spent there was for our family reunion! It was a lot of fun catching up with everyone. My mom got toast and then sang Lincin Park with my sister on the karaoke machine. Good times.
This week I finally returned the library books that I never turned in from a year ago. Since I still had the books I only had to pay $15.00 instead of $83.00 YAY! I'm in the process of registering for classes. So now I will be real busy with school and work. I'm going to have to set up a designated blogging time for each day. I need to go out more to so that I have something interesting to blog about.
I did go out with a bunch of friends from high school - we were all in band together. We ate @ Toi, then got real drunk @ The Abbey. Good times.
I went with Jason Sechrest to his Tuesday night singing "rehearsal" @ The Other Side - that was interesting. There was hardly anyone there but I guess Friday is the busy night. Not a whole lot more has been happening. Time to get to work - see you sooner than later
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Finally a moment to blog!
My best friend from high school is coming out to the mini mansion today to celebrate his birthday with me. We're gonna relax by the pool and then probably party it up in West Hollywood =)
Right now I have to get my hair cut and run some errands - I'll be back in a bit and will be able to blog a little more then. See you soon xo
Monday, July 16, 2007
Word Of The Day
Fruitful; productive
Also; something that I have not been today. I arrived at work at 10:30 - and have been able to enter two credit card payments - and blog a lot. There apparantly are not enough system resources for me to do my job. That's hot.
The corporate financial analyst on loan from our parent company asked me to go to lunch with him. It's all business so I wonder what he has to discuss with me. We shall see.
A Day Of Randomness
Saturday I was supposed to go out again with Jason Sechrest but I felt sick all day. I think my body just needed a day to relax and slow down. I took several naps throughout the day and watched The Devil Wears Prada and a couple of other movies. Cable is wonderful!
Sunday is when things got interesting. My roommates had a few people over for a BBQ & pool party. My friends were all otherwise engaged so I only hung out for a bit. Then A.C. called me and invited me to the beach. They picked me up from my house and we went to Venice beach. The spark between us seemed to have dissipated but his friends were a ton of fun so it was okay. Two of the guys were from Boston - and pretty much only know each other because they are the only two gays at their school who like to go out to the clubs. Then there was this other kid who sang constantly but sounded really good - he's about to be signed with Sire records. They met him a few weeks back at San Francisco pride. Then there was a girl visiting from Hawaii who only knew one of the people there. So basically it was a group of strangers from different parts of the country that decided to go to the beach together. I felt slightly awkward initially but we all knew how random the group that we had compiled was.
I got a ton of sun at the beach so as soon as I am not red - I will look great ;). The water was beautiful. I hadn't been to the beach since I went to Hawaii with Classy. I'm going to try to go more before the end of summer.
After we were all burnt we headed to the mini mansion so I could shower and change and then we went downtown. A.C. had to go to his grandmothers house for dinner (because he is only here from Boston for four days). They showered and we did some shots and then went to Pink Taco in Century City. The food was really good - but there seems to be much more hype about the place then necessary.
From there we proceeded to my house, then back downtown to pick up A.C., then back to West Hollywood to barhop. Overall it was a great Sunday. =) Of course it bites that we all live in different places - but it was a great experience.
I hope you had a good weekend as well.
Relief From Stress
We headed for the Arclight first, where we saw "Joshua". The movie was really good actually. I did not see a trailer for it beforehand not had I even heard of it so I was happy it turned out good. The soundtrack is creepy, and awesome. The plot was really an exaggerated example of how things can change with the addition of someone new to a family. Jealousy can cause people to do some wild things.
After the movie we went to the Cheesecake Factory at The Grove. I had a bunch of lemon drop martinis and a little food to. The one thing that bites about the Cheesecake Factory is that usually if you do not go there with the intent to ONLY have cheesecake, you don't end up having any at all because the food portions are so big. That's okay, it's probably best that I didn't have any. After dinner we headed to The Abbey - all the while bonding over Tori.
I had never hung out with Jason alone before (other than the time I jacked off on his couch for the camera) so I was unsure that we would have much to talk about. We actually had a blast though. Over the past year or so I have spent very little time getting to know new people. I have a few great friendships but have been realizing lately that I am far to dependent on them. I forgot that there are tons of other people that I could interact with and learn from.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Yet another decision that has to be made by people every day. When does nice no longer matter?
In this instance, I will hold onto my thoughts and come back when I have something nice to say.
Think I am enabler? Aren't we all?
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
What not to say
"The company must be shutting down."
His response: "I don't think so....that was bad timing huh?"
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Train of Thought
Right now my tracks looks like this.

That is great - as long as I don't look like this.
I got a little side tracked (woka woka) at this point looking for a photo of a woman in a dress falling over her train - you would think it would be easier to find. Now I guess I have to wait til I see it happen in person so I could run over and yell TRAIN WRECK! I did find this hottie modeling for the FALL line of something or other. I could definitely see myself in those pants *wank* I conduit with that conductor. ; ) get it? get it?

Then I thought if I were ever put on a track that went round and round like this

I would probably leave it looking like this

And then I found this picture. How long have the paps been stalking me? and whos the chick?

Thursday, June 21, 2007
Life has been good lately. Uneventful - but good.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Another One Bites The Dust
I mailed out my request for a copy of my driving record. I hope they don't charge me extra to cover the cost of postage for such a large, heavy, pack of papers. I figure I should get my license since I'll be getting a car this year. At least that is the plan.
Not much has been happening lately. Just going to work, catching up on the gossip, and dreading going back to work. I guess I've just been annoyed @ several aspects of my life lately. I'll be back in a bit - to write more on my lunch break....
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Turn your radio on
My post will be up by the end of the day. Thanks for being patient. =)
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
I have been outrageously busy at work! Our team has six different Priority #1 tasks - each of which is more important than the others and needs to be taken care of immediately. We've added a magical white board to the wall that our new CEO thinks is going to help our department keep better track of our numbers. All it is really going to do is take up more time because we have to gather the stats and write them up on the board. Five people in our 11 person department have left the company in the last year. That should serve as an indicator that there is something wrong huh? Oye, sure I haven't finished school yet but it doesn't take a genius to know that when you add more sales people, who make mistakes and enter fraudulent information, and you add 59 new markets and thousands of new accounts, perhaps you should hire more support as well. End rant about work.
More later...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
There's No Place Like Home
Guatemala was a blast though! This was certainly a trip to remember. We stayed at a baby brokerage the first day - no really babies were for sale for $30,000.00 or 225,000Quetzals. Brandon pushed Fabrice through a glass door. We charged up about $1250.00 (U.S.) in mistakes! So much for the great rate on the flights huh? We rode jet skis, braved the crazy dog, horse, and people ridden freeways, climbed the Mayan ruins, and made some great memories. I'll be able to post more on all of this later once I'm home from work.
I have to say though that I am so much more grateful than I was before for living in the U.S.A. I am glad we got to do an amazing whirl wind tour of Guatemala, since I don't see myself visiting again in the future. You never know what's going to happen but I don't think that I'll plan on going back. Of course, when you hang out with the group that I hang with - plans are irrelevant.
I'll be able to post photos once B gets back.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
A Mistake
I'm gonna do it on purpose
I'm gonna waste my time
'Cause I'm full as a tick
And I'm scratching at the surface
And what I find is mine
And when the day is done, and I look back
And the fact is I had fun, fumbling around
All the advice I shunned, and I ran
Where they told me not to run, but I sure had fun, so
I'm gonna fuck it up again
I'm gonna do another detour
Unpave my path
And if you wanna make sense
What you looking at me for
I'm no good at math
And when I find my way back
The fact is I just may stay, or I may not
I've acquired quite a taste for
A well-made mistake I wanna make a mistake
Why can't I make a mistake?
I'm always doing what I think I should
Almost always doing everybody good
Do I wanna do right, of course but
Do I really wanna feel I'm forced to
Answer you, hell no
I've acquired quite a taste for
A well-made mistake, I wanna make a mistake
Why can't I make a mistake
I'm always doing what I think I should
Almost always doing everybody good
-Fiona Apple
Blog of Realizations
2. While I may do what is right for me, I do not always do what is best for me.
3. I am more honest than I thought.
4. I should spend more time with my family, which means I need to buy a car. Watch out California drivers!
5. I am more mature and responsible and it feels good.
6. I am obsessed with my friends - and I don't think that is a bad thing.
7. In high school I was a great writer. I can be again.
8. I really should finish day.
Friday, May 04, 2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Now you gone done and pissed me off
Now, normally, I don't use this blog to communicate directly with Andy, as
that's not what it is for (I will get to that in a second). If I have anything
to say regarding one of Andy's blog entries, I will comment on his blog, where
that belongs. HOWEVER, apparently Andy is feeling the need to block my comments
now...hmmm...interesting...we all know how I feel about being I
will leave my comment right here for everyone to read.
I thought you didn't jump to conclusions. I don't want to be an asshole, as you are a very good friend of mine, but please stop playing the victim, it's getting old. I posted my comments in my blog, just as you have done. I was only waiting til I had time to write a response.
First and foremost I think that I need to clarify the purpose of my blog. The whole concept behind is that, if you were to break into my bedroom and break open and read my diary, this is what you would be reading. So OF COURSE everything that you read is going to be from my PERSPECTIVE. It's not a source for news and unbiased information. If that's what you're looking for, log on to MSNBC, because you won't find it here. That's not changing. Ever.
Now I will answer all of your points that you bring up in your entry entitled "Fraud?" which was referring to ME (so sweet). For those that are reading along, I am not going to be posting everything that he wrote, you can log on to his blog to read it. Here are my responses:
1) I never once said that Classy and Lex had sex. In fact, as Jason Sechrest pointed out in the comment section, anyone who knows Lex knows that he is not like that. But that wasn't the point anyway. The point (and why I mentioned it) was the mere fact of them leaving the club together was unexpected. They could have gone home and fucked, they could have gone home and made a fucking QUILT, but the fact that they left together (regardless of what happened afterward) was unexpected, as was me spending the night with you. That's it, and Classy joking about it didn't help his case when it comes to people's speculations.
I was simply clearing up something for two friends of mine, since you put that out there to be misinterpreted by the public. In addition, the comments that Classy made, were voiced in front on Lex, AND you knew that he was joking when he said that.
2) Yes you were cranky because you couldn't get to the bar! And you couldn't get to the bar because you kept getting pushed around from person to person and the drink ticket situation was a fucking fiasco. Nobody said that you were jonesing for some vodka and taking it out on the rest of the world, nor did anyone call you an "angry alcoholic." Now you are putting words in MY mouth, just like you accused ME of in the "Confessions" entry, when you said that I directly quoted you as saying, "Shove off" (which, after you said, I reread, and found that I never quoted you as saying that). Yet somehow it's perfectly acceptable for Lex Sabre to call you a drunk mess and describe you needing to be sent home from Fubar....hmmmm....
All you said was that I was cranky because I couldn't get to the bar. Now, stop and think for a second. What is a reader going to think when they read that? You sent me a text message that said that you would never write anything unflattering about me. Well, your whole Freaky Friday post sure wasn't flattering. Jason Sechrest even mentioned in his blog that your comments have to be good for my business. Did you read your own entry? Did you think about what others might be thinking when they read it? As for the shove off thing, you may not have mentioned it in a written entry or a voice post but you kept repeating for weeks that I told you to just fuck off.
3) You missed the whole point of that statement. There have been times when you and I have had quite public shouting matches, when the reality was that neither one of us were even upset. No big deal, but I'm sure to the people around us, it looked like we were FURIOUS with each other. SO MY POINT WAS, my dealings with you, have taught me to not rush to judgment and not judge a book by its cover. Is that a bad thing? It just so happened that I realized this in the context of Brant and Jayden, who yes, are indeed a couple. But if it had been Brandon yelling at Rusty, or Anthony Cortez yelling at Erik, I would have come to the same realization. And your point about Blake Riley and Trevor is invalid because, according to Blake Riley himself, he and Trevor are NOT in a relationship.
I was simply pointing out the difference. My point about Trevor and Blake was NOT invalid in response to your blog since you are the one that said that they had somewhat coupled. They had something going on, if not a relationship. YOU and I have not even somewhat coupled. Brant and Jayden are actually in a relationship. Of course they are going to argue like that. Now, I felt the need to put this in MY public blog because you are comparing our friendship to those of people who have more than friendships, or at least did for some brief moment
in time.
4) Are you fucking kidding me?? The whole point of me writing that was to show that I am trying to SEE THINGS FROM YOUR POINT OF VIEW SO THAT I CAN MOVE ON!!! What point does it prove? It proves that other people see things that you "choose to ignore" as you have stated yourself. Translation: Shut the fuck up Angel Benton. Actually no, I take that back. That's not what that meant, BUT, blocking my comments does indeed translate to SHUT THE FUCK UP ANGEL BENTON. Did you learn that from Erik?
Other people see what? Other people, who are not me, think that we would be good together in a relationship? Good for them, however they are not me. What I chose to ignore, because I had no idea how to respond, is that you want to be more than friends. I am not choosing to ignore that we would be great in a relationship as boyfriends, because I don't believe that is true. Oh, and since I respect you, I would never tell you to shut the fuck up. And again, I didn't block your comments.
And I wouldn't mention Erik, since you seem to have learned a few things from him.
5) The owners of the Helios Resort asked us where we were registered. You were standing right there. They were talking to the both of us. It was at Oasis at the Rentboy Pool Party afterparty. I can't believe that you don't remember that.
This question was a joke, I remember a hell of a lot more than you probably think. You would be surprised. I had also asked "You mean we could be getting free gifts?"
Oh, and one last thing. You are just as guilty of misleading the public as you say that I am. In your recent post about you and Classy doing a scene together, you say "Since we've had plenty of practice, this scene should turn out really great." Now, the outside observer would be pressed to believe that you and Classy have had plenty of sex together, but you know as well as I do, that is false. You two have had sex ONCE, BUT you both indeed have had lots of practice having sex....just not with each other. ;-) If you want to call me out on being misleading, all I have to say is, if you live in a glass house you shouldn't throw bricks.
Did I say anything bad about my friends? NO. Did I say anything that could be misinterpreted as insulting to someone, or hurtful to someones reputation? NO. Now back out of my marketing scheme and stop trying to hurt my business please. And just to clarify, so that you don't think that I'm telling you to shove off, I don't mean business as in my life, I mean business as in my video work, and escorting.
AND yes there are things that I leave out. You know that as well as I do. But you also know as well as I do that the things that I leave out are far more unflattering than the things that I choose to write. You know exactly the type of post that I am talking about. It's similar to the type of post that you wrote to Houseboi when he pissed you off. As fierce as that was, I have no interest in doing that to you. That would solve nothing and just create animosity that doesn't currently exist.
So that's it. Am I upset/angry/pissed off? No, not really. Not at all. In fact, I am proud of both you and Classy and I sincerely hope that you have a great shoot and tons of fun in Palm Springs this weekend. I hope your new movie leads to nothing but bigger and better things. In regards to me, you of course are entitled to your opinion. Do I still love you? Of course I do. Am I disappointed in the way that you chose to handle the situation? Absofuckinglutely. I wish that you would have felt comfortable enough to talk to me in person about this, or even use e-mail, telephone, text message, or even comment on my blog since it was where the entries that you took offense to were located. But instead you chose to respond publicly, which you have every right to do, but choosing to try and silence me, hurts.
What should I have taken the time to respond privately to something that you posted publicly? We have all communicated through our blogs indirectly. Why is this time any different? AND, I wasn't censoring you. First of all you have your own public forum that you can post in just as I did. I was simply waiting til I had the time to write a full response to your comment before I published your comment.
But hey, I know that you love me, and I know that you wouldn't ever do anything intentionally to hurt me. TRUE After all, this is the same beautiful man who told me that he never wanted me out of his life, and that he would financially support me if I quit Bath And Body Works, and yes, the same one who asked me to stay the night with him. Sometimes you get hurt unintentionally. After all, you are just doing what is right for you.
Another thing that is really starting to piss me off is that you always mock me for saying this. What in the hell is so wrong about doing what is right for me? Why do you feel the need to always mock me about this? I do what is right for me and I do my best to keep my friends happy, and
not insult anybody along the way. I think that makes me a pretty good
However, just once, it would be nice for someone to want to do what is right for ME....
The first person that should be doing what is right for you is YOU. You can be the one to judge whether you are doing that are not. NOW, I can't
speak for Brandon or Rusty, but I can say that I always try to be there for you. I do my best to be a good friend that defends you and is there for you to talk to. You want someone to want to do what is right for YOU. Okay, but does that mean that that someone has to forget what is right for them to do what is right for you? Brandon and I tried to convey how important you are to us in the hellish car ride up to San Francisco. What else can we do? What is lacking in our friendship that makes you want more? What have your friends done that hasn't been right for you?You have made this entire thing public, and now you are offended when I post something for all to read? I really don't understand that. Some things in this entry probably are hurtful, but I have told you again and again that I love, and I really do mean LOVE my friends, including you. I have even gotten messy emotional in front of you about the idea of losing you, Brandon, Rusty, Classy, or any of my friends. Now, what have I said that is unflattering about you? I have done my best to reassure you that you are important to me and that I want you in my life although not in the capacity that you would prefer.
Of course this is all very easy for me. I mean, there is absolutely no pressure on me at all. Either I love you the way you want, or your self esteem falls to pieces and then it gets put on me like it's all my fault.
I am lost now and have probably said more than enough. Say what you want. I know who I am, I know what I want, and I am doing what's right for me. There's absofuckinglutely nothing wrong with that. Want to be my friend? Then please, by all means continue to do so, but stop the animosity. I don't think I'm being insensitive. I have tried the private approach but that doesn't seem to have rung through.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Andy Kirra and Ryan Thompson!

So this weekend I will be in Palm Springs with Classy A.K.A Ryan Thompson. We're going to be doing a film for Dink Flamingo! Mike Donner is actually the one that contacted me about working in the movie, and it'll be good to see him again.
Classy and I just got the news this morning that he'll be doing one scene and it's going to be with ME.
Since we've had plenty of practice, this scene should turn out really great. Actually, the whole movie should be excellent.
And I really enjoy Palm Springs so hopefully we'll get to have some fun in the sun together.
Monday, April 30, 2007
A mention by JC on the newsdesk
That's not my favorite photo of myself, but it'll do.
Many thanks to Jason ; )
Yes, perspective has indeed been a key word that has been used in our group lately. A group of people experiencing the same event together can have completely different view points on what is really going on. Of course, sometimes you never know it until later when you hear the story retold in somebody else's words - from their own perspective.
Lets just start with some flaws in Miss. Benton's blog that aren't exactly lies, but have been put out there to make readers think that something happened other than what really did.
1. In the Freaky Friday post AB said : "(Classy and Lex Sabre went home together)"
Okay, true, but they sure didn't do anything together. Lex Sabre rarely drives all the way back home when he gets boozed up. He stayed in my bed, NO SEX. He stayed in Classys bed, NO SEX. He stayed in Blake Rileys bed, NO SEX. (well, I can't be 100% sure on that last one, but would he lie?)
2. In the Highway to Hell post AB said: "So the crowded party fizzled out, I took him home. (He was a little bit cranky because we never got to the bar.)"
Yes, I was cranky because I wasn't able to get to the bar so I could get some WATER!!! There were to many people bumping me around, and by the time I actually got up to the bar, I needed a ticket just to get some water. Thank you for painting me as an angry alcoholic who couldn't get a drink.
3. In the White Party 2007 Part III post AB said: "Brant and Jayden start arguing at the top of their lungs. Now, there have been many occasions where Andy and I have screamed at each other in public (that last little walk back to the car from Eleven comes to mind) so who am I to judge?"
You said that you feel bad for me because all these people wonder if we are in a relationship. Well in the above sentence, you compare conversations that you and I have, with those of people that are actually in relationships. These are two completely different situations. You did it again here : "Blake and Trevor had somewhat coupled up too, and they were super cute when they argued and fought. It kinda reminded me of me and a certain little mogwai that I know...."
4. AB said: "I mean, when we are out together, everybody wants to either take pictures of us together (for people to specualate on the status of our "relationship" later) or feels the need to give us advice and commentary (i.e., "How long have you two been boifriends?" or "Where are you guys registered for the wedding?") Comments like that just slide off my back. (If anything, they just prove my point.)"
What exactly is your point that you think comments like these prove?
And who has asked you where we are registered? You mean we could be getting free gifts?
Saturday, April 28, 2007
A Public Statement by
Thank you!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Astrological Signs
Scorpio is the eighth Sign of the Zodiac, and you shouldn't take that lightly. You shouldn't take Scorpios lightly, either. Those born under this Sign are dead serious in their mission to learn about others. There's no fluff or chatter for Scorpios, either: these folks will zero in on the essential questions, gleaning the secrets that lie within. Scorpios concern themselves with beginnings and endings, and are unafraid of either; they also travel in a world which is black and white and has little use for gray. The curiosity of Scorpios is immeasurable, which may be why they are such adept investigators. These folks love to probe and know how to get to the bottom of things. The fact that they have a keen sense of intuition certainly helps.
It's the Scorpion which symbolizes Scorpios, and it's no accident. Much like the Scorpion would rather kill itself than be killed, those born under this Sign are the ones who are in ultimate control of their destiny. It is life on the Scorpion's terms, too, since these folks promote their agenda (they are quite the executives) and see to it that things go forward. Others may find this overbearing (it can be) and even self-destructive, but that's the beauty of the Scorpion: these folks have tremendous regenerative powers, much like the literal Scorpion can lose its tail and promptly grow a new one. Fearless Scorpions rarely lose, per se, they just keep on going, since they are stubborn and determined to succeed (this Scorpio trait is in keeping with the Fixed Quality assigned to this Sign). Scorpios work as hard as they do so they can someday sit back and feel satisfied with themselves. These folks are intense, passionate and filled with desire. They're also complex and secretive, so don't expect to get much out of them, lest they become suspicious and exit stage left. It's best not to bet against Scorpios, either, since these folks are surprisingly resourceful.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Now, I did not post this photo on the 16th of April to Post Secret - but I can certainly identify with what this person had to write.

Of course, part of me was glad that we were in a moving vehicle so that I could not escape......a very very small part that has since been taught a lesson ; )
PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard.
You can view this PostSecret and more here
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
You say, "I will come."
And you do not come.
Now you say, "I will not come."
So I shall expect you.
Have I learned to understand you?
Lady Otomo No Sakanoe (eighth century)
Madonna - Easy Ride
But I don't want an easy ride
What I want is to work for it
Feel the blood and sweat on my fingertips
That's what I want for me
I want to know everything
Maybe someday I will
What I want is to find my place
Breathe the air and feel the sun on my children's face
That's what I want
I go round and round just like a circle
I can see a clearer picture
When I touch the ground I come full circle
To my place and I am home
I am home
I want to let go of all disappointment that's waiting for me
What I want is to live forever
Not defined by time and space
It's a lonely place
That's what I want
[chorus, repeat and fade]
Don't even bother making jokes about the title.
Monday, April 16, 2007
We got a lil bit of a late start, because BAR-Angel (woka woka woka, we hadn't picked up Angel at this point) got a bit of an early and heavy start. Blah blah blah long story short I had to go file some paperwork which took a really long time. We finally got on the road at around 4ish.
Brandon was driving so it was no surprise that we made a wrong turn somewhere and ended up on a very informative, lil bit bumby, Highway to Hell! That was a long six hours, and there was a whole lot of discussion about feelings, and opinions, and vice's and a ton of other things. I was not prepared for that but I think it was a good thing. Rusty stayed silent pretty much the whole way up there. He had his computer out though so I'm sure a lot of notes were taken.
We pulled up and past the house, and some people said "oh look, the Rentboys are here'> The party was definitely packed, and everyone there seemed to be having a great time. We ended up leaving after a couple of hours, if that. I was super happy that we at least got to see the birthday boy, and wish him a happy one.
There were some drag queens gone wild there that really were performers. They got into what they do, whatever it is, for sure. They were running around and pulled a couple peoples hair, and one guy even got bit! I almost with it was Rusty or Angel so I could have seen one the queens get slapped, the drag queens I mean. ;)
There were a ton o hot boys at the party and there was at least entertainment. It didn't exactly fit in with the typical event that we would be at. There were lots of family members and those pesky hetero's. (can't live without em). I wonder if we stood out as much as we thought we did. Lil Rusty (Hobbit R, TownPump 2) was wearing his pink bitch hat (it has the word bitch on it, not a photo of Brandon in the hott pink shirt) -that's hot though, I think I'll make one. lol. Someone yelled out BITCH! well that certainly drew attention to Rusty and the boys around him chewing bubble gum with pupils as big as the holes that may someday be in their brains. Sigh, poor Angel Benton, when will she learn?
Some other people referred to us as altar boys. Did they not see us drive up? We made sure to drive past the house again on the way back to the hotel. Viral Marketing.
I love the shower. Leonardo DiCaprio would probably be very upset with him if he knows how much water I used while I was in SF.
Brandon flew back, on a plane, early in the AM. Rusty flew back as well. Angel and I drove back to Los Angeles in the Rentboy Mobile. There might be more on this later.
We headed to the Porno Palance and were soon met by Brandon, Rusty, JASON SECHREST, Tom, and Eric. Rusty was almost immediately checked out the floor DING! While some of us were seeking rest Mr. Sechrest stole Brandon in the restroom! Scandalous!
I don't know we are continuously surprised at how beautifuly fucked up some things are that we get away with.
Gee whiz. Wow.
"Why do I smell something chemically? It smells like chemicals."
0o0o0o0o0o gosh
I'm going to have to clean my desk with some booze or something
Friday, April 13, 2007
Do you see what I see?
Okay so Classy and Lex were at my place yesterday before we went out. This video came on the television and Classy pointed out how much her movements are like JONATHAN CHANGS =)
Watch the whole video. Do you see it to?
Hilarious! Both bitches are fierce in my book.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Makin' That Paper
A few hours later I met them at their hotel.
You never know.
How much does air space sell for?
This freakin helicopter was hovering directly over my house today. I was sitting in the beautiful back yard surrounded by pretty green plants and listening Bjork and the damn birds that never stop....and then a very very BIG BIRD decided to come mess up my serene setting. 15 minutes later, it finally flew away. But I think it forgot something, lol. It came back to the same spot in the air, and then left again! WTF!
o0o0o0, what if you bought the airspace over a house that belonged to someone else! Now we're talkin
oooooo gosh
I like this song....
By: Vanessa Carlton
she'd do anything to sparkle in his eye
she would suffer, she would fight, and compromise
she's been wishin' on the stars that shine so bright
for answers to the questions that will haunt her tonight
she must rinse this all away
she can't hold him this way
she must rinse this all away
she can't love him this way
how she'd be soothed, how she'd be saved if he could see
she needs to be held in his arms to be free
but everything happens for reasons that she will never understand
'til she knows the heart of a woman will never be found in the arms of a man
and if she runs away she fears she won't be followed
what could be the worse than leaving something behind
and as the depth of oceans slowly become shallow
it's loneliness she finds...
if only he was mine
she'd do anything to spakle in his eye
she would suffer, she would fight, and compromise
she's been wishin' on the stars that shine so bright
for answers to the questions that will haunt her tonight
she must rinse him
she must rinse him
she can't rinse him
she can't rinse him
she can't, she won't, she must rinse him
she can't, she won't, she must rinse him
she must rinse this all away
she can't hold him this way
she must rinse this all away
she can't love him this way
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
My Friends are Fabulous
Apparantly we are going on a trip....I mean in a plane sillys! I don't know exactly where, or why, but I don't need to know...I think. I just love that we can be random like this.
Gee whiz, if this happens more often, I am going to end up giving up my real job. EEK!
Must stay responsible....must keep benefits....sigh, opportunity cost....
Monday, April 02, 2007
Check out the Rentboy Pool Party photos
Let the Battle Begin
Of course I am the original and current individual that has the Magic Puss. Always will be.
Thanks =)
Fuck it
Thanks! Have a great Monday!
Sweet Nothings
I said: “You are always so angry.”
He said: “I never used to be until I met you!”
Oh here is a real good one.
“You are just so blind. I cannot even begin to understand the depths of your stupidity.”
Now, just these comments were made. There was not explanation to go along with them. So that just leaves me to dwell on these sweet nothings that have been blasted at me.
If I am so blind, why will you not help me to open my eyes? If everything happens for a reason, then perhaps I am not meant to see whatever it is that you say that I am blind to. Perhaps I do see it and I do not wish to acknowledge it. Maybe we just see things differently. I am not blind simply because I do not see what you see how you see it.
I am always learning more about the people that I surround myself with.
I don't get it. Am I supposed to have some sort of epiphany because someone who claims to be a friend, and would like to be more, calls me stupid? Well, that is certainly not the path to my heart.
Oh, then someone else said something that really did offend me, and I very maturely explained that I did not appreciate that and his response:
"Shut the fuck up"
That's hott.
I had a blast this weekend at the Rentboy Pool Party, but there were a few fucked up things said. Ah well, shit happens right?
Oh, and I'm a bad friend.
Look at me, I just made myself look like a total asshole in my own blog. YEA!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Well, I guess someone has to do it.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Getting Closer!!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Ok, is someone just being silly????
Anonymous said...
are you craaazy? Jake Gyllenhaal is not a B-lister!!! Jeez!!! And who are these supposed A-listers Angel Benton, Jonathan Chang, and Brandon Baker??? I've never even heard of them!!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Dexter ????

Nice, Michael C. Hall was only yards from where I sleep, YEA!
This is only my ummmm sixth sighting of a celebrity in Los Angeles. The others are Nicole Richie (in front of Fred Segals), Paris Hilton (illegally turning around using the driveway into my POE's buliding), George Foreman, Jake Gyllenhaal, and a lil lil movie guy; Eric Jungmann from Not Another Teen Movie.
Those are the B-listers of course. The A-listers include Angel Benton, Jonathan Chang, and Brandon Baker.
I Don't Know How I Do It
This most recent problem with another individual is different however.
It's good to hear about these threats before you actually interact with the person who is threatening you. If I enjoyed being beat and called names, I'd still be with my ex-boyfriend honey. Now, feel free to take a swing at me in public, but know that you will be sadly mistaken to do so. If you want to assimilate yourself with my friends who I am sure are ever faithful to me as long as I am in the right, then you should play along.
If I am the dramatic one, why are you threatening violence against me? Please take a moment, breath, and grow up.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Huh? If I go missing....
Maybe Brandon has finally given the green light for my hit to be done. If I go missing and you can't find me in the bottom of a shower somewhere, then you know something has happened, lol. Oh, and photos of Rustys car are all over his website so keep an eye out.
Oye, I can't believe I am going out for another night of deubachery and mayhem. You wouldn't think that I really have a full time job huh? Gee whiz.
Good Knight
Anyways, Trevor just asked if I had heard about our nomination together for Best Cum Scene @ the Grabby's this year. He put his arm around me for a bit and we talked about his 6 other nominations or something or a hot minute. Interesting.
Of course Angel Benton doesn't miss a beat, and he immediately rushed over to see if we had made up. We all had a group hug, facilitated by Angel Benton. Awwwww, so special.
That's right Angel, I blogged it first. HA!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Remember: Please and thank you go a long way.
...and not in the general way that you would expect. Oh don't worry, I'm happy (I think). I am just confused. I want to put my feelings in a bottle and launch it far far far far far away in a cannon. I feel though that it would be pointless. Mother nature would probably decide to throw it right back @ me, or right where I am not sure I want it to go. Yes, my luck the bottle would fly completely around the world and land on my pillow like it never left. Or there'd be a tsunami or a volcanic eruption and there would be the freakin' bottle. NO NO NO NO!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Silly laws
CanadaI would comment on that last one but it is just to easy.
In Calgary there is a by-law that is still on the books that requires
businesses within the city to provide rails for tying up horses.
In Los Angeles, you cannot bathe two babies in the same
tub at the same timeIt is illegal to drive more than two thousand sheep down Hollywood Boulevard at one time
In Los Angeles, a man is legally entitled to beat his wife with a leather belt or strap, but the belt can't be wider than 2 inches, unless he has his wife's consent to beat her with a wider strap
In Denver it is unlawful to lend your vacuum cleaner to your next-door neighbor
In Devon, Connecticut, it is unlawful to walk backwards after sunset.
In England it is illegal to sell most goods on a sunday, (this law is mostly ignored), it is however legal to sell a carrot. It is also legal to sell it at any price and to give free gifts with it, such as anything else one might want to buy on a sunday!
In Miami, it's illegal for men to be seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown.
See these and other silly laws here
Article: "Privacy for Internet names moves forward"
"It would just make it that much more difficult and costly to find out who's behind a name,"
"At the end of the day, they are not going to have personal contact information on public display,"
read more about this article here
Note: Quotes are from linked article.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
I just sneezed about 7 times. Eesh!
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Little Sammy Sneeze by Winsor McCay
A sternutation, sternutatory reflex or, as is more commonly known, sneeze, is a semi-autonomous, convulsive expulsion of air from the nose and mouth. This air can reach speeds of 70 m/s (250 km/h or 155 MPH). Sneezes spread disease by producing infectious droplets that are 0.5 to 5 µm in diameter. About 40,000 such droplets can be produced by a single sneeze.
Sneezing is generally caused by irritation and sometimes bacterial clog up in the throat and ears, lungs, or in the passages of the nose. Allergens such as pollens, pet dander, house dust mites, as well as nonallergenic particles are usually harmless, but when they irritate the nose the body responds by expelling them from the nasal passages. The nose mistakes strong odors, sudden chills, bright lights (see photic sneeze reflex), and making nasal sounds at the right pitch for nasal irritants, and it tries to defend itself with a sneeze.[citation needed]
[edit]Eyelid close response
When sneezing, one's eyelids reflexively close, possibly as a response to relieve the unpleasant pressure a sneeze produces behind the eyes. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to sneeze and keep one's eyes open.
[edit]Beliefs and cultural aspects
In 400 BC the Athenian general Xenophon gave a dramatic oration exhorting his fellow soldiers to follow him to liberty or to death against the Persians. He spoke for an hour motivating his army and assuring them a safe return to Athens until a soldier underscored his conclusion with a sneeze. Thinking this sneeze a favorable sign from the gods, the soldiers bowed before Xenophon and followed his command. Another divine moment of sneezing for the Greeks occurs in the story of Odysseus. Odysseus returns home disguised as a beggar and talks with his waiting lover Penelope. She says to Odysseus, not knowing to whom she speaks, that he will return safely to challenge her suitors. At that moment their son sneezes loudly and Penelope laughs with joy, reassured that it is a sign from the gods.[1]
Among the pagans of Flanders, a sneeze was an omen. When Saint Eligius warned the pagans against their druidical practices, according to his companion and biographer Ouen, he included the following: "Do not observe auguries or violent sneezing or pay attention to any little birds singing along the road. If you are distracted on the road or at any other work, make the sign of the cross and say your Sunday prayers with faith and devotion and nothing inimical can hurt you."
In Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia and some Middle Eastern countries a sneeze that occurs after making a statement is sometimes interpreted as a confirmation by God that the statement was true.
In Japan, a common superstition holds a person sneezes when they are being talked about or badmouthed behind their back or by a person far away.
It is a common belief in India that someone who randomly sneezes remembers or is remembered by someone dear to him or her. Most Indians consider sneezing healthy, and the inability to sneeze to be cause for alarm. Psychology Today reports that Indian scientists have labeled an inability to sneeze "asneezia"; the people of India have long used snuff as a way to artificially induce sneezing.
The onomatopoeias for the sneeze sound are "achew!" (the "a" is pronounced as the "u" in "mug"), "atisshoo" and "achoo". The first syllable corresponds to the sudden intake of air, the second to the sound of the sneeze.
Traditional responses to a sneeze
In English-speaking countries, it is common for at least one person to say "God bless you" (or just "Bless you") after someone sneezes. This tradition originates from the Middle Ages, when it was believed that when one sneezed, the heart stops, the soul left the body and could be snatched by an evil spirit.[citation needed] Today, it is said mostly in the spirit of good manners and is usually followed by the sneezer saying 'Thank you'. Also, when the Scarlet Fever broke out for the first time, people would often die as a result, people then began saying God bless you, in the hope that they would survive.
In English speaking countries, the German word "Gesundheit" (which means health) is occasionally said after a sneeze instead of "bless you." In the Spanish language, one says "Salud" (the u being an "oo" sound), which also means health
Folk remedies
Folk remedies for sneezing are common. Among them are the following:
Slapping someone on the back as they are about to sneeze will stop them from sneezing.
Apply upward pressure to the bottom of your nose.
Tickle or press against the top of your mouth with your tongue (some people have reported sneezing even more after a sneeze when tickling the top of the mouth).
Press your tongue against the back side of your top row of teeth.
Look up with your eyes but not your head.
Gently bite your upper lip. The sensation will distract your nose nerves and your desire to sneeze will greatly lessen.
Holding your breath for long enough when one feels a sneeze coming will usually prevent a sneeze. Sneezing requires air to expel, and simply eliminating the air until the nervous response goes away means no sneeze. This is immensely preferable to blocking the nose, which can result in damage to the delicate structures of the inner ears, or redirecting the sneeze through your mouth, which can result in the oral ejection of phlegm and saliva.
Squeezing the bridge of the nose
Look at a bright light. (In some people this will not work as with the photic sneeze reflex bright lights are sneezing triggers)
Swallow your saliva when you feel the sneeze coming. Do this repeatedly until the feeling goes away.
Pinch the skin along the top of the bridge of the nose to ward off an impending sneeze.
Accupressure solution: Spread the thumb of one hand away from the fingers. Using the sharp edges of the nails on the thumb and index finger of your other hand, pinch the flap of skin between the spread thumb and the fingers.
Saying "asparagus" or "cow" immediately before a sneeze will often stop the oncoming sneeze. Some believe that saying these words repeatedly can stop the oncoming sneeze, however this has been disproven.
Reciting the phrase "peanut butter-hairspray-pineapple" at the onset of a sneeze is believed to subdue it.
Apply pressure between your upper lip and the bottom of your nose.
Friday, March 16, 2007
My favorite dancer at Mickys

Well gee whiz, obviously I have a thing for guys with tatts huh? Usually I wouldn't post stuff like this because I would be worried that Rusty would go try to conquer him first but he claims to be straight Although he does do a naked shower show with his blood cousin. NICE!
Mickys has a hott website by the way. You can view it here: . I like how it is set up. You can see photos of my beautiful friends Brandon and Classy in the photo galleries.
For some reason my bastard apple computer will not give me the option to Compose or HTML, so I can't actually link it.
I hope you are all well.
Thursday, March 15, 2007

The water of life. It's no wonder I drink so much it then huh?
[VOD-kuh] A clear, colorless, unaged liquor, the name of which comes from the Russian zhiznennaia voda, "water of life." Vodkas can be made from everything from potatoes to beets, although those made from grain (primarily barley and wheat, sometimes rye or corn) are considered the best. Vodka's purity is the result of distillation at high proof levels, then filtration through activated charcoal to remove most remaining impurities that would contribute distinctive characteristics. Some vodkas are triple-filtered for ultimate purity. Even so, vodka connoisseurs note distinct flavor differences when vodkas are tasted at room temperature sans mixers. In general, however, vodka served straight should be served icy cold. Flavored vodkas, long common in Russia and Poland, may be flavored with anything from fruits to hot peppers. Some flavored vodkas are sweetened slightly.
To Angel Benton
Your feelings have all been very public. I am not always good at talking face to face about things so I have decided to respond publicly as well. I will let the song speak for me. I kept listening to it, and suddenly I thought of you.
Bjork - All is Full of Love
You'll be given love
You'll be taken care of
You'll be given love
You have to trust it,
Maybe not from the sources
you have poured yours
maybe not from the directions
you are staring at,
Twist your head around
it's all around you
all is full of love
all around you,
All is full of love
you just aint receiving
all is full of love
your phone is off the hook
all is full of love
your doors are all shut
all is full of love!
All is full of love
All is full of love
All is full of love
All is full of love
All is full of love
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Brandon are you that obsessed?
Army researchers found that when they subjected a group of volunteers to two sleepless nights, the lack of shut-eye seemed to hinder participants' ability to make decisions in the face of emotionally charged, moral dilemmas.
The dilemmas in this case were hypothetical scenarios, and not actual events. But the study authors say the findings could have implications for people who are both routinely sleep-deprived and often need to make quick decisions in a crisis -- such as soldiers in combat and medical professionals.
Dr. William D. S. Killgore and colleagues at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research report the findings in the journal Sleep.
In recent years, brain imaging studies have found that an area called the ventromedial prefrontal cortex appears to play an important role in forming moral judgments. There's also evidence that sleep deprivation lowers metabolic activity in this brain region, Killgore and colleagues point out.
It's possible, they speculate, that sleeplessness slows the brain's ability to integrate cognitive and emotional information, which is needed to address serious moral dilemmas.
The researchers based their findings on tests of 26 healthy military personnel. The volunteers were presented with various scenarios, then asked whether a given course of action would be "appropriate" or "inappropriate." The situations ranged from minor, morally inconsequential ones to serious personal dilemmas in which the decision would harm someone in order to protect someone else.
Study participants were presented with the scenarios before and after 53 hours of sleep deprivation.
In general, Killgore's team found, the volunteers took a longer time to mull over the morally charged questions when they were sleep-deprived than when they were well rested. This was not the case with the more minor, non-moral scenarios.
What's more, some volunteers changed their views of what was morally acceptable after they'd been awake for two days. This was not universally true, however; volunteers who, at the beginning of the study, scored high on a measure known as "emotional intelligence" did not waver on what they found morally appropriate.
Emotional intelligence refers to a person's ability to understand his or her own emotions and those of others, and to effectively relate to other people. The findings suggest that people with "particularly well-developed emotional/social capacities" are less susceptible to the effects of sleep deprivation on moral judgment, the investigators say.
There's some evidence that facets of emotional intelligence can be developed and improved, the researchers point out. It might be worthwhile, they write, to study the effects of emotional-skills training for people who routinely face moral dilemmas under stressful conditions.
SOURCE: Sleep, March 1, 2007;_ylt=AtUDGMTdZMs_y_e3kx4r9L7MWM0F
And I'm the dramatic one?
Anonymous said...
I think its kinda funny how some people take what they hear and go with it sometimes. Either that or they can just change things up completely to make what happened seem to be something that its not. "Fuck what the 2nd party says! I got all the info that i need on the issue..." This is the mentality that some unfortunate people have, and its sad, but very true. These people we live with day to day, sometimes we dont even realize that there are as many ignorant people out there among us as there really are. We live with them as a cat can live with a dog in a common household. BUT! When the line is crossed, and these people who are uninformed, and to lazy to get the facts, or just so caught up in their lives with pity and drama, that they post blogs about something in reference to someone else that is not the entire occurence, and definately not the truth, then there is a BIG problem. Especially when that someone is just moving to an area and is not well known. EVEN SO, it is still rude, disrespectful, ignorant, and completely absurd of an individual to post something of the sort. Mentioning names or not. He didnt even mention my name, but everyone who knows him or me, knows who he is talking about.... Just as everyone who is reading this who knows him or me knows who i am referencing to... I have a little suggestion to all you bloggers out there....But more so a particular one person. Before you click that post button, think about this....
Some people just need to have some respect for other people these days and stop tryin to start shit. SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOUR LIFE IS SO FULL OF DRAMA THAT YOU STARVE FOR IT WHEN THERE ISNT ENOUGH TO MEET YOUR TASTE BY THE END OF THE DAY, AND SO YOU DO STUPID SHIT LIKE POST RUMORS AND FALSE COMMENTS IN YOUR BLOG, YOU NEED TO GET HELP!!! Its not healthy to pheene for drama like its your crack. So get up out of your fuckin bullshit pity party and stop makin shit up like your a fuckin 3rd grade special ed student who needs to feel like they are getting special attention for shittin their pants.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay okay, maybe I was out of line when I blogged about you being a theif. Maybe the sherrifs deputy that came to my home was a liar. Sure.
I suppose I could have just blogged actual facts, like how your manhunt and adam4adam profiles both say that you are the biggest bareback slut in Los Angeles or how it says "1 bottom, four tops, I'm looking for more tops..NO RUBBER REQUIRED."
I could have blogged about that, but I'm to good for that. =P. You want dramatic? I can give you dramatic. But really, I don't like drama and I do not have much of it in my life. Actually I haven't had any since my ex.
Still no one has said your name, and I haven't posted a photo of you even though I could very well do that. You've been mentioned in other blogs, but not as "the houseboy". Pull your panties out of your ass and calm down.