Right now my tracks looks like this.

That is great - as long as I don't look like this.
I got a little side tracked (woka woka) at this point looking for a photo of a woman in a dress falling over her train - you would think it would be easier to find. Now I guess I have to wait til I see it happen in person so I could run over and yell TRAIN WRECK! I did find this hottie modeling for the FALL line of something or other. I could definitely see myself in those pants *wank* I conduit with that conductor. ; ) get it? get it?

Then I thought if I were ever put on a track that went round and round like this

I would probably leave it looking like this

And then I found this picture. How long have the paps been stalking me? and whos the chick?

1 comment:
Just read that and I'm left with a blank and confused look on my face. I don't get it, but I like it....why?
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