Friday, December 23, 2005

Crack heads

So today I did not wake up to the sounds of birds chirping. Instead I woke to one of Brandons favorite sounds. BREAKING GLASS!!! followed by yelling. Mind you it is 8 AM. I do not like to be woken up early. In fact Brandon won't wake me up. Ha. So the apparent crackheads outside are yelling back and forth about a blanket and a wallet. Hmmm sounds familiar. Blah.
Just now, about 20 seconds ago a man stopped by my room and told me that his friend across the way had made something for me. He handed me a breakfast plate. While I am flattered, and hungry, I am more skeptical after my lovely experience here. Interesting though. I will leave it on the table I think. Sad, but better safe than sorry.
I'd like to go to Mexico. How's that for random.

Andy Kirra

This message was sent via my Treo.

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