Monday, March 12, 2007

I am officially out of control !!!!!

So, I added up some rough estimates today of how much I've been spending. I am on top of my budget like nobodies business, as long as I am sober. =P. Since the 1st of February I have spent approximately $1963.31. That does not include my rent and utilities. The budget I made for myself only allows for about $425 extra after savings and all that jazz. I've only exceeded it by oh, about 4 1/2 times !!!!

About $500.00 of that was for shopping in San Francisco. A large majority of it was food, booze, & entertainment. A huge chunk of it was for traveling.

That is ok because I am fabulous! Who needs to budget when you are the heir to a fortune?! Duh! What a silly game.

I really am okay with it though because I spent the money making memories and having a blast with my friends that I love.

I guess I will cut back, just a little, so that I can start driving again. California drivers watch out! Don't hit my Lexus or I will use my voice activated car phone to dial someone to come kick your ass.

I think I'll go buy a nice watch today, something with diamonds. After all, my rates are based on time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

...slick. WATCH out. (Get it? WATCH = WATCH) Whoa.